Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Migrating Larger Files to Google Docs

We've been having problems with both Rapidshare and Scribd for hosting larger documents, such as the full DDRA and various longer reports. For these reasons, we're going to be migrating larger files to Google Docs over the next few days. Shorter documents (fact sheets etc.) will remain on Scribd.

If you're having problems downloading any document, please don't hesitate to email tjsutcliffe[at]arcdc[dot]net and I can email you the document directly.

Thanks to everyone for your patience!

Updated Section-by-Section Analysis of DDRA Now Available

The section-by-section analysis of the DDRA has been updated and is now available:

Friday, December 4, 2009

DC Council Public Hearing on DDRA & People 1st Language Bill

The DC Council Committee on Human Services has rescheduled the public hearing on the DDRA.

WHAT: Public hearing on Bill 18-501, Developmental Disabilities Reform Act of 2009, and Bill 18-502, People First Respectful Language Modernization Amendment Act of 2009.
DATE: Monday, January 11, 2010
TIME: 11:00 a.m.
LOCATION: John A. Wilson Building, 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Room 412

To testify: Contact Vivian McCarter at vmccarter [at] dccouncil [dot] us or (202) 724-8191 by January 8, 2010.

To request a reasonable accommodation: Contact Vivian McCarter at vmccarter [at] dccouncil [dot] us or (202) 724-8191 by January 8, 2010.

If you signed up for the original hearing date, you do not need to sign up again. According to the Committee on Human Services, you will automatically be transferred to the witness list for January 11. Please contact Ms. McCarter if you signed up before but are unable to testify on the new hearing date.

Monday, November 9, 2009

More Local News & Notes

Thanks to Washington CityPaper's LL Daily for covering the DDRA Blog in today's post!

Also check out Will Sommer of the Georgetown Voice on the need to strike outdated terms like "mental retardation" from District government use ("D.C., are you PC?" posted Oct. 8th, before the Oct. 20th introduction of the People First Respectful Language Modernization Act of 2009).

Friday, November 6, 2009

DDRA "Clean Copy" Available through RapidShare

The version of the DDRA on the DC Council web site has some scanning errors that erased most of page 31 and also rendered some text on other pages difficult to read. Their webmaster is working to correct the problem.

In the meantime, you can download a "clean," full copy of the DDRA as introduced by the DC Council through RapidShare here:
Not sure how to use RapidShare? See "Using RapidShare to Get DDRA Documents."

Thanks to everyone for you patience. We'll let you know when the version on the DC Council web site has been corrected.

People 1st Language Bill - Links Update; FAQs

The DC Council has now posted the full text of Bill 18-502, the "People First Respectful Language Modernization Amendment Act of 2009," on its web site. You can view the bill here. All of the links on this blog have also been updated.

A couple of quick FAQs:
  1. What is Bill 18-502? Bill 18-502 is a companion bill to the DDRA. Section 402 of the DDRA (page 64 of the DDRA) requires the District government to use "intellectual disability" instead of "mental retardation" in all District laws, regulations and official government publications. Bill 18-502 identifies all the places in current DC law that use "mental retardation" and changes each reference to "intellectual disability."
  2. Why "intellectual disability?" As noted by AAIDD in a recent press release, "Society’s labels have consequences... But no label damages more than being called “mentally retarded.” To set aside pejorative labels, after many years' deliberation professionals in the field have formally adopted the term "intellectual disability."
  3. What is "intellectual disability?" As defined in the 11th edition of AAIDD's official diagnostic manual: "Intellectual disability is characterized by significant limitations both in intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior as expressed in conceptual, social, and practical skills. This disability originates before age 18."
  4. What does the change mean? People who were formerly diagnosed with "mental retardation" now have a diagnosis of "intellectual disability." The term is being used for health insurance, public benefits, and by health professionals. In the District, updating our laws and official documents will bring the District government in line with modern usage.
  5. Does Bill 18-502 affect private speech? No! The U.S. Bill of Rights guarantees freedom of speech. Bill 18-502 does not affect District residents or private companies. Bill 18-502 only affects written laws, regulations and official government documents of the District of Columbia government.
  6. How can I learn more? Check out AAIDD's web site for information on intellectual disability, and read this article from Disability is Natural for general information on the national movement of using "people first," respectful language to talk about people with disabilities.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Fact Sheets on Bill 18-501 Now Available

We've updated our popular fact sheets on key topics in the DDRA, to reflect the bill as introduced by the D.C. Council (Bill 18-501):

Friday, October 23, 2009

DDRA on a Roll!

Response to the introduction of Bill 18-501, the Developmental Disabilities Reform Act of 2009, has been tremendous! So many people have taken the time to email in their words of encouragement, and the DDRA is getting attention at the Council and in the press:
Thanks to everyone for your support!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

DC Council Introduces the DDRA!

We're delighted that on Tuesday, October 20th DC Council Chair Vincent C. Gray and Councilmember Tommy Wells (Ward 6) co-introduced the "Developmental Disabilities Reform Act of 2009." Joining them as co-sponsors are Councilmembers Bowser, Mendelson, Thomas, Cheh, Catania, Evans, Graham, Michael Brown, and Kwame Brown. Councilmembers Alexander and Barry were not in attendance at Tuesday's Council meeting.

Bill 18-501 is now available on the DC Council's web site.

Also co-introduced by Chairman Gray and Councilmember Wells was a companion bill to formally remove the term "mental retardation" from all District laws, regulations and official documents and replace it with the more modern and respectful term "intellectual disability."

Both bills were referred to the Committee on Human Services. Like all legislation, both bills will need to have a public hearing, Committee approval, and two votes by the full DC Council in order to become law.

Thank you to everyone who has shared their ideas and support for the DDRA! Stay tuned for updates on next steps at the DC Council.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Sept. 26 Community Forum Meeting Notes

Thanks to everyone who came to the Community Forum on Draft 2 of the DDRA on Saturday, September 26, 2009! We had an informative discussion about the draft bill and particularly about family supports. Meeting notes are now available:

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Reminder: Draft 2 Community Forum, Sat. Sept. 26, 1-2:30 PM

Don't forget! Saturday, September 26th will be a Community Forum on Draft 2 of the DDRA. Learn more about Draft 2, share your ideas, and get involved! All are welcome. People with intellectual and developmental disabilities, family members, and members of their support networks are encouraged to attend.
What: Community Forum on Draft 2 of the DDRA
Date: Saturday, Sept. 26, 2009
Time: 1:00 - 2:30 p.m.
Where: 3400 Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue, SE (at National Children's Center / Quality Trust Family EMPOWERment Center)

For detailed directions click HERE.

RSVP requested - To help make sure we have enough refreshments, if possible please RSVP to 202-636-2963 or tjsutcliffe@arcdc.net.

Light refreshments. All are welcome!

Draft 2 Report Now Available

A full report on Draft 2 of the DDRA, which includes an overview of the draft, background information, and a section-by-section analysis, is now available:
These documents are being posted using RapidShare so please be sure to read the instructions on how to access documents from RapidShare if you have any questions.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Temporary Problems with Document Printing - Resolved

Thanks to people who reported, over the last two days, problems with printing Draft 2 of the DDRA. Unfortunately, the service we've been using to post documents (Scribd) is having temporary problems with printing large documents.

Until those problems are fixed, Draft 2 will be available using RapidShare:
The document links will direct you to RapidShare. You will need to take the following steps to download and print the document:
  1. When you click on a link to a document, it will take to you a new page hosted by RapidShare.
  2. Click on "Free User."
  3. You will see a count-down clock that will count down the number of seconds (usually, 30 or fewer) until the document is available.
  4. Once the count-down clock runs out, click on the round blue "Download" button to download the file. You'll then be able to print the file.
Thanks to everyone for your patience. Hopefully, Scribd will be fixed soon.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

DDRA Draft 2 Community Forum, Sat. 9/26, 1 - 2:30 PM

Saturday, September 26th will be a Community Forum on Draft 2 of the DDRA. Learn more about Draft 2, share your ideas, and get involved! All are welcome. People with intellectual and developmental disabilities, family members, and members of their support networks are encouraged to attend.
What: Community Forum on Draft 2 of the DDRA
Date: Saturday, Sept. 26, 2009
Time: 1:00 - 2:30 p.m.
Where: 3400 Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue, SE (at National Children's Center / Quality Trust Family EMPOWERment Center)

By bus - Within 1/2 mile of the A2, A4, A6, A7, A8, A42, A46, A48, M8, M9, W2, W3 and W4 buses.

By Metro - From Anacostia Station on the Green Line, transfer to one of the "A" buses listed above, headed south.

From Congress Heights Station on the Green Line, walk approximately 3/4 mile south/west on Alabama Avenue, SE until Alabama merges with MLK Avenue. Turn left on MLK Avenue and go another 1/4 mile to 3400 MLK Avenue.

Parking - Free parking by the building (lot toward the back left of the building).

RSVP requested - To help make sure we have enough refreshments, if possible please RSVP to 202-636-2963 or tjsutcliffe@arcdc.net.

Child Care / Accommodations - To request child care or reasonable accommodations, contact Rhonda White at 202-561-1991 or rwhite@dcqualitytrust.org by 5 p.m. on Monday September 21st.

Light refreshments. All are welcome!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Draft 2 Now Available!

Draft 1 of the DDRA was released on December 18, 2008. Since then, there have been approximately 30 community meetings on Draft 1 (see list in 12 point font and LARGE PRINT) including 11 meetings where people came together to review and revise Draft 1 on a section-by-section basis. Many people also used email and telephone to make suggestions on how to improve the draft bill.

Thank you to everyone who came to meetings & took the time to share your ideas!

Thanks to your input and based on your ideas, Draft 2 of the DDRA is now available:
Additional materials are available to help you review Draft 2:
Your feedback and ideas are welcomed:
  1. Save the date for a community meeting on Saturday, September 26th at 1:00 p.m. for people to learn more about Draft 2 and to share ideas and feedback.
  2. Submit comments on Draft 2 by posting to the DDRA Blog or by emailing tjsutcliffe@arcdc.net.
The DDS MAC Legislative Committee will be working with the D.C. Council over the next month-and-a-half to get the draft ready for introduction. Our target date is October 13th -- stay tuned for more updates and information!

Friday, July 31, 2009

Review & Revision Meeting 11 Notes

Thank you to everyone who participated in the supplemental 11th DDRA Draft Review & Revision meeting! Meeting notes are now available.

Meeting 11 (July 23)
Topics: Grievances; legal services, advocates and Court access; Transition from admission and commitment processes and procedures

Monday, July 27, 2009

Review & Revision Meeting 10 Notes

Thank you to everyone who participated in the 10th DDRA Draft Review & Revision meeting! Apologies for getting the notes out so late. We should have notes from Meeting 11 up soon. Thanks for your patience.

Meeting 10 (June 25)
Topics: Grievances; Legal services, advocates and Court access; Transition from admission and commitment processes and procedures

Friday, July 10, 2009

*Additional* Review & Revision Meeting: Th. 7/23, 1-4 PM

Participants at the June 25th meeting for people to review and revise the draft DDRA, section-by-section, agreed to add an 11th and final meeting to continue the discussion about access to legal services, advocates, and the Superior Court, as well as transition from the current to new system.

All are welcome and encouraged to attend!

If you are unable to come to the meeting, but have comments that you have not yet submitted about these topics, please do so before the final meeting. You can post your comments to this blog or send them to tjsutcliffe@arcdc.net.

DDRA Review & Revision Meeting 11
Thursday, July 23, 2009
1:00 - 4:00 PM
Martin Luther King, Jr. Library
901 G Street, NW
Room A-9
Topics: Legal services, advocates and Court access; Transition from admission and commitment processes and procedures.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Review & Revision Meeting 8 & 9 Notes

Thank you to everyone who participated in the 8th and 9th DDRA Draft Review & Revision meetings! Meeting notes (with topics) are below.

Meeting 8 (June 4)
Topics: Services for persons found incompetent in a criminal case; Legislative review and reporting; Conforming amendments
Meeting 9 (June 11)
Topics: Grievances; Legal services, advocates and Court access; Transition from admission and commitment processes and procedures

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Review & Revision Meeting 10: Th. June 25, 3-5 PM

The 10th and final meeting in the series of meetings for people to review and revise the draft DDRA, section-by-section, will be Thursday June 25th. At that meeting, we will focus on access to legal services, advocates and the Superior Court, as well as transition from the current to the new system.
  • Participants at Meeting 9 were asked to brainstorm new options for this topic and come on the 25th prepared to talk about their ideas. The drafting committee is also working to develop new options. Your ideas and input are needed. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.
If you are unable to come to the meeting, but have comments, please submit your comments before June 25th by posting a comment to this blog or emailing your comments to tjsutcliffe@arcdc.net.

DDRA Review & Revision Meeting 10
June 25, 3:00 - 5:00 p.m.
1200 U Street, NW (True Reformer Building)
Marsh Conference Room
Topics: Legal services, advocates and Court access; Transition from admission and commitment processes and procedures.

1200 U Street, NW is on the same block as the U Street / African American Civil War Museum / Cardozo Metro station on the Yellow/Green line. Street parking (zoned residential) is available on side streets.

No Review & Revision Meeting this Week (6/15 to 6/19)

Due to a conflict on June 18th with the quarterly hearing in the Evans case, there will be no DDRA Draft Review & Revision meeting this week. The tenth and final meeting will be next week (June 25th).

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Review & Revision Meetings - New Locations for Meetings 9 & 10

To provide easier access and more space, the last two DDRA Draft Review & Revision Meetings (Meeting 9 on Thursday, June 11th and Meeting 10 on Thursday, June 25th) will be held at different locations than originally announced. Dates, times & topics stay the same.

All are welcome to come to some or all meetings!

The schedule for the remaining meetings is below. You can print or download a PDF of it here:

Meeting Schedule (for remaining meetings):

Meeting 8:
June 4, 3 - 5 p.m.
415 Michigan Ave, NE (see directions)
Topics: Services for persons found incompetent in a criminal case; Legislative review & reporting; Conforming amendments

Meeting 9: June 11, 3 - 5 p.m.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Library; 901 G Street, NW, Room A10
Topics: Grievances; Legal services and Court access; Transition from admission and commitment processes and procedures

Meeting 10: June 25, 3 - 5 p.m.
1200 U Street, NW (True Reformer Building), Marsh Conference Room
Topics: Grievances; Legal services and Court access; Transition from admission and commitment processes and procedures

  • 415 Michigan Avenue, NE is 2 blocks east of the Brookland/CUA station on the Red Line. Parking lot and entrance on the back of the building (proceed through the gate on the left side of the building). For directions, call (202) 636-2950.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Review & Revision Meeting 5, 6 & 7 Notes; Next Meeting

Thank you to everyone who participated in the 5th, 6th, and 7th DDRA Draft Review & Revision meetings over the last 2 weeks! Meeting notes (with topics) are below.

Meeting 5
Topics: Records; Quality standards and monitoring; Interagency coordination
Meeting 6
Topics: Criminal background checks; Abuse and neglect registry
Meeting 7
Topics: Set by meeting participants; included discussion of criminal background checks and issues around abuse and neglect.
This week's topics for Meeting 8 will be: "Services for persons found incompetent in a criminal case," "Legislative review and reporting," and "Conforming amendments." All are welcome to join the conversation this Thursday, June 4th from 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. at The Arc of the District of Columbia, 415 Michigan Avenue, NE (3 blocks from the Brookland/CUA Station on Metro's Red Line).

Detailed directions are available (see post below).

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

New Background Information

From our discussions at the weekly DDRA Draft Review & Revision Meetings, we've uploaded two new documents that provide background information on the Expert Review Panel and the draft DDRA's rulemaking requirements:

Expert Review Panel: Short biographies
A brief summary of the Expert Review Panel members' biographies.
Fact Sheet: Draft DDRA Rulemaking Requirements
The draft DDRA requires the Department on Disability Services to issue rules within 6 months after the law takes effect. For some sections, the draft requires that rules address specific topics. This fact sheet summarizes the various rulemaking requirements in the draft DDRA.
  • Fact sheet: Draft DDRA Rulemaking Requirements - 12 point font
  • Fact sheet: Draft DDRA Rulemaking Requirements - LARGE PRINT

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Review & Revision Meeting 4 Notes, Next Meeting

Thank you to everyone who participated in the fourth DDRA Draft Review & Revision meeting last Thursday, May 7th! At the meeting, we reviewed and made improvements to the sections on "Services & Supports," "Family Supports," "Family Support Council," "Informed Consent," and "Independent panel for administration of psychotropic medication."
This week's topics for Meeting 5 will be: "Quality standards and monitoring," Interagency coordination," and "Records." All are welcome to join the conversation this Thursday, May 21st from 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. at The Arc of the District of Columbia, 415 Michigan Avenue, NE (3 blocks from the Brookland/CUA Station on Metro's Red Line).

Detailed directions are available (see post below).

Thursday, May 14, 2009

New, Easier Way to View & Save DDRA Blog Files

We're trying a new service for hosting files that's hopefully easier to use.

One click will now take you directly to the document. You can then print or save the file by going to the "More" pull-down menu.

Let us know if this works better than the old system! We'll be migrating files to the new system (Scribd) over the next week.

Review & Revision Meeting Schedule Changes

The meeting schedule for the series of weekly meetings for people to review and revise the draft DDRA -- section-by-section -- is changing. Several topics are being added that have come up in community comments and in discussion at Review & Revision Meetings. Also, to permit more time for community comment and research on the topics of access to the court and grievances, those topics are moving to the end of the meeting series.

All are welcome to come to some or all meetings!

The full meeting schedule is below. You can print and download a PDF of it here:
Meeting Schedule:

Meeting 1: April 23, 3 - 5 p.m.
441 Fourth Street, NW, Room 1117
Topics: Overview; Rights

Meeting 2: April 30, 3 - 5 p.m.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Library, Room A10
901 G Street, NW
Topics: Comprehensive Developmental Disabilities Services Task Force and Plan; Eligibility

Meeting 3: May 7, 3 - 5 p.m.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Library, Room A5
901 G Street, NW
Topics: Support and service planning; Support coordination

Meeting 4: May 14, 3 - 5 p.m.
415 Michigan Ave, NE (see directions)
Topics: Supports and services; Family supports and Family Support Council; Informed consent and health-care decisions

Meeting 5: May 21, 3 - 5 p.m.
415 Michigan Ave, NE (see directions)
Topics: Records; Quality standards & monitoring; Interagency coordination

Meeting 6: May 28, 3 - 5 p.m.
415 Michigan Ave, NE (see directions)
Topics: Criminal background checks; Abuse & neglect registry

Meeting 7: May 30, 11a.m. - 1p.m.
3400 Martin Luther King, Jr. Ave, SE (see full post on this Saturday meeting!)
Topics: Saturday meeting to review updates and gather additional ideas
Meeting 8: June 4, 3 - 5 p.m.
415 Michigan Ave, NE (see directions)
Topics: Services for persons found incompetent in a criminal case; Legislative review & reporting; Conforming amendments

Meeting 9: June 11, 3 - 5 p.m.
415 Michigan Ave, NE (see directions)
Topics: Grievances; Legal services and Court access; Transition from admission and commitment processes and procedures

Meeting 10: June 25, 3 - 5 p.m.
415 Michigan Ave, NE (see directions)
Topics: Grievances; Legal services and Court access; Transition from admission and commitment processes and procedures

441 Fourth Street NW (also known as One Judiciary Square) is at the Judiciary Square station on the Red Line.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Library
at 901 G Street, NW is between Gallery Place/Chinatown and Metro Center.

3400 Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue, SE is approximately 1 mile from the Congress Heights station on the Green Line and is accessible by bus from the Anacostia Station on the Green Line. Parking lot and entrance on the back left side of the building (if you're facing the building). For directions call (202) 561-1991.

415 Michigan Avenue, NE is 2 blocks east of the Brookland/CUA station on the Red Line. Parking lot and entrance on the back of the building (proceed through the gate on the left side of the building). For directions, call (202) 636-2950.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Additional Review & Revision Meeting: Sat. May 30, 11am - 1pm

Saturday, May 30th will be a supplemental DDRA Draft Review & Revision meeting. This additional meeting is being held to accommodate people who are unable to attend one of the Thursday meetings.
What: DDRA Draft Review & Revision Meeting
Date: Saturday, May 30, 2009
Time: 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Where: 3400 Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue, SE (at National Children's Center / Quality Trust Family EMPOWERment Center)

By bus - Within 1/2 mile of the A2, A4, A6, A7, A8, A42, A46, A48, M8, M9, W2, W3 and W4 buses.

By Metro - From Anacostia Station on the Green Line, transfer to one of the "A" buses listed above, headed south.

From Congress Heights Station on the Green Line, walk approximately 3/4 mile south/west on Alabama Avenue, SE until Alabama merges with MLK Avenue. Turn left on MLK Avenue and go another 1/4 mile to 3400 MLK Avenue.

Parking - Free parking by the building (lot in the back of the building).

RSVP requested - To help make sure we have enough refreshments, if possible please RSVP to 202-636-2963 or tjsutcliffe@arcdc.net.

Child Care / Accommodations - To request child care or reasonable accommodations contact Toya Fisher at 202-561-1991 or tfisher@dcqualitytrust.org by 5 p.m. on Monday May 25th.

Light refreshments. All are welcome!

Review & Revision Meeting 3 Notes, Next Meeting

Thank you to everyone who participated in the third DDRA Draft Review & Revision meeting last Thursday, May 7th! At the meeting, we reviewed and made improvements to the sections on "Support and Service Planning" and "Support Coordination."
This week's topics for Meeting 4 will be: "Supports and Services," "Family Supports," and "Family Support Council." All are welcome to join the conversation this Thursday, May 14th from 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. at The Arc of the District of Columbia, 415 Michigan Avenue, NE (3 blocks from the Brookland/CUA Station on Metro's Red Line).

Detailed directions are available (see post below).

Directions to 415 Michigan Ave, NE

DDRA Draft Review & Revision Meetings 4 through 10 (from May 14, 2009 to June 25, 2009) will be held at the The Arc of DC's offices at the McCormick Pavilion, 415 Michigan Avenue, NE. The McCormick Pavilion is at the corner of 4th Street, NE and Michigan Avenue, NE and is across the street from Catholic University.

Directions are below and in .PDF:
Entrance: If you are facing the building from Michigan Avenue, the entrance is on the back left of the building. The entrance is not the steps at the front of the building. To get to the entrance, follow the driveway from Michigan Avenue through the gate to the back of the building where there is a large parking lot. The entrance is on your right.
  • For DDRA Draft Review & Revision Meetings, we will have someone to welcome you at the entrance from 3:00 to 3:30 p.m. If you arrive after 3:30, use the key pad at the door to call The Arc of DC's main office. You can also reach the main office on your cell at 202-636-2950.
By car: Free visitor parking is available in the rear parking lot. Visitors can also park across the street at Catholic University (metered parking).

By Metro: The McCormick Pavilion is 3 blocks from the Brookland-CUA Station on the Red Line.
  • From the escalator - Exit the station to your left (toward Catholic University). At the top of the escalator, make a "u-turn" to your left, go under the bridge and turn right to go up the access road. Follow the access road to the top of the hill and you will be on the south side of Michigan Avenue. Go 2 blocks. The McCormick Pavilion is on your left.
  • From the elevator - Exit the bus circle to your right onto 9th Street, NE. Cross Monroe Street (to the same side of Monroe as Colonel Brook's Tavern) and turn right on Monroe. Follow Monroe Street 2 blocks to Michigan Avenue. Bear left on Michigan Avenue and go 1 block. The McCormick Pavilion is on your left.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Review & Revision Meeting 2 - Corrected Notes

We found a minor but important typo in the notes from Review & Revision Meeting 2 (the meeting date was wrong!). Corrected versions of the notes are below. The links from the last post and in the "LARGE PRINT Zone" have also been updated to direct you to the right notes.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Review & Revision Meeting 2 Notes, Next Meeting

Thank you to everyone who participated in the second DDRA Draft Review & Revision meeting last Thursday, April 30th! The meeting featured a productive discussion of and recommendations for improvements to the "Comprehensive Developmental Disability Services / Task Force" and "Eligibility" sections of the draft DDRA.
This week's topics for Meeting 3 will be: "Support and Service Planning," and "Support Coordination." All are welcome to join the conversation this Thursday, May 7th from 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Library, 901 G Street, NW in Room A5.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Pending Schedule Changes: Draft Review & Revision Meetings

Please note there are 2 important pending changes to the Draft Review & Revision Meetings:
  1. The meeting originally scheduled for Thursday, June 18th will be rescheduled to another date, due to a conflict with the next quarterly hearing in the Evans case. New date and location TBD.
  2. To accommodate people who are unable to attend meetings on Thursday afternoons, a Saturday meeting will be held on May 30th from 11 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Location TBD.
We hope to have details for both of these schedule changes confirmed shortly. In the meantime, an interim calendar is available:
  • Revised Calendar, Draft Review & Revision Meetings - 12 point font
  • Revised Calendar, Draft Review & Revision Meetings - LARGE PRINT

Review & Revision Meeting 1 Notes, Next Meeting

Thank you to everyone who participated in the first Draft Review & Revision meeting last Thursday, April 23rd! The meeting included an overview of the process moving forward, as well as a productive discussion of and recommendations for improvements to the "Rights" section of the draft DDRA.
This week's topics for Meeting 2 will be: "Comprehensive Developmental Disabilities Services Task Force and Plan," and "Eligibility." All are welcome to join the conversation this Thursday, April 30th from 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Library, 901 G Street, NW in Room A10.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Community Meeting Notes Now Available

Notes are now available for two community meetings:

January 10, 2009 Community ForumMarch 28, 2009 Family Forum
These notes are not transcripts, but are instead summaries of key points discussed at each forum. Notes for the January 10, 2009 meeting are more detailed thanks to a dedicated meeting note-taker!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Schedule: DDRA Review & Revision Meetings

Beginning Thursday April 23rd, the DDS MAC Legislative Committee will host a series of weekly meetings for people to review and revise the draft DDRA, section-by-section. All are welcome to come to some or all meetings!

Each meeting will cover a different topic (schedule below or in PDF and PDF-Large Print). If you have comments that you have not yet submitted about a topic, please do so before the meeting date for that topic. You can post your comments to this blog or send them to tjsutcliffe@arcdc.net.

At each meeting:
  • Participants will receive a summary of key issues and concerns submitted to date on the topic.
  • Participants will also be welcome to bring forward additional discussion items on the day's topic.
  • Participants will review and recommend resolutions to each discussion item.
After each meeting, a summary and an updated draft of the DDRA will be provided to meeting participants and posted to this blog.

The DDS MAC Legislative Committee recognizes that no single meeting date and time will work for everyone who might be interested. For this reason, we are exploring options such as a call-in number so people can participate by speakerphone from home or work, as well as the possibility of recording and podcasting each meeting. We also plan to convene one or more supplemental Saturday meetings. Stay tuned for updates!

Meeting Schedule:

April 23, 3 - 5 p.m.
441 Fourth Street, NW, Room 1117
Topics: Overview; Rights

April 30, 3 - 5 p.m.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Library, Room A10
901 G Street, NW
Topics: Comprehensive Developmental Disabilities Services Task Force and Plan; Eligibility

May 7, 3 - 5 p.m.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Library, Room A5
901 G Street, NW
Topics: Support and service planning; Support coordination

May 14, 3 - 5 p.m.
415 Michigan Ave, NE
Topics: Supports and services; Family supports and Family Support Council

May 21, 3 - 5 p.m.
415 Michigan Ave, NE
Topics: Informed consent and health-care decisions

May 28, 3 - 5 p.m.
415 Michigan Ave, NE
Topics: Grievances; Legal services, advocates and Court access; Transition from admission and commitment processes and procedures

June 4, 3 - 5 p.m.
415 Michigan Ave, NE
Topics: Grievances; Legal services, advocates and Court access; Transition from admission and commitment processes and procedures

June 11, 3 - 5 p.m.
415 Michigan Ave, NE
Topics: Records; Quality standards and monitoring

June 18, 3 - 5 p.m.
415 Michigan Ave, NE
Topics: Criminal background checks; Abuse and neglect registry

June 25, 3 - 5 p.m.
415 Michigan Ave, NE
Topics: Legislative review and reporting; Conforming amendments

441 Fourth Street NW (also known as One Judiciary Square) is at the Judiciary Square station on the Red Line.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Library
at 901 G Street, NW is between Gallery Place/Chinatown and Metro Center.

415 Michigan Avenue, NE
is 2 blocks east of the Brookland/CUA station on the Red Line. Parking lot and entrance on the back of the building (proceed through the gate on the left side of the building). For directions, call (202) 636-2950.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Family Forum on draft DDRA: Sat. March 28, 2009 11 AM

Family members of DC residents with intellectual and developmental disabilities are invited to a Family Forum on the draft DDRA. Learn more about the bill! Share your ideas! Get involved!

What: Family Forum on draft DDRA
Date: Saturday, March 28, 2009
Time: 11:00 AM - 1:30 PM
Where: 3400 Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue, SE (near Ballou at National Children's Center / Quality Trust Family EMPOWERment Center)

RSVP required
-- RSVP to 202-636-2963 or tjsutcliffe@arcdc.net.

Child Care available -- Request by 5 PM Wednesday March 25th by contacting Toya Fisher at 202-561-1991 or tfisher@dcqualitytrust.org.

Reasonable Accommodations -- Request by 5 PM Monday March 23rd by contacting Toya Fisher at 202-561-1991 or tfisher@dcqualitytrust.org.


By bus -- Within 1/2 mile of the A2, A4, A5, A6, A8, A42, A46, A48, M8, M9, W2, W3 and W4 buses.

By Metro -- From Anacostia Station on the Green line, transfer to one of the "A" buses listed above heading south. From Congress Heights Station on the Green line, walk approximately 3/4 mile south/west on Alabama Avenue, until Alabama merges with MLK Avenue. Turn left on MLK Avenue and go another 1/4 mile to 3400 MLK Avenue.

Parking -- Free parking by building.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Using RapidShare to Get DDRA Documents

Many documents on this blog are now being posted using RapidShare, a free internet file hosting service. When you click on a link to a document, it will take to you a new page hosted by RapidShare. Click on "Free User." You will then see a count-down clock that will count down the number of seconds (usually, 30 or fewer) until the document is available. Once the count-down clock runs out, click on the round blue "Download" button to download the file.

If you have trouble downloading a file from RapidShare, email tjsutcliffe@arcdc.net to have the document sent to you directly.

LARGE PRINT Fact Sheets Available

Large print (22 point font) versions of fact sheets are now available:
  1. Rights
  2. Eligibility
  3. Access to the Court
  4. Support Planning
  5. Supports and Services
  6. Family Supports
  7. Grievances
  8. Quality
  9. Rulemaking Requirements

Thursday, January 29, 2009

New Fact Sheets Available

For people who want to learn more about how the DDRA addresses a specific topic, we're creating a series of fact sheets to provide quick access on key issues. First up are 6 new fact sheets:
  1. Rights
  2. Eligibility
  3. Support Planning
  4. Supports and Services
  5. Family Support Services
  6. Quality
These fact sheets will be permanently posted to the DDRA blog info bars on the right-hand side of the blog. We'll be adding more fact sheets next week. As always, please don't hesitate to comment or email us if you have any questions.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Community Forum - Weather Update

The Community Forum on the draft bill, co-hosted with Project ACTION!, is still scheduled for tomorrow, Saturday January 10, 2009 from 10 AM to 12 Noon at the Kennedy Institute, 801 Buchanan Street, NE.

As of 9 AM today (Friday, January 9th), it appears that the "wintry mix" being predicted for tomorrow will largely happen to the north and west of the city, and that the impact on DC will be minimal.

If this changes and the Community Forum has to be canceled, we will post a notice on this blog by 8 AM tomorrow (Saturday). People can also call either 202-448-1458 or 202-636-2963 and check the voice mail greeting -- we will change our greetings to reflect any cancellation by 8 AM.